Open Competition Winners 2017
First Prize Acting Abby Angela Graham Cardiff
Second Prize Beneath the Table Linda Jones Pencoed
Third Prize Market Day Valerie Thompson
Click on any title above to read the story
Runners Up
Rosie's Return Wendy Harkness Cardiff
Rising Tide Mike Watson Darlington
Only a Doll Patricia Dowling Hastings
Bring us Home Ellen Evers Congleton
Competition Feedback
The Entries
The competition attracted 115 entries from a variety of places across England, Scotland and Wales.
The entry titles were associated with a number, so that members of the shortlist committee were unaware of the story authors. Actual names of story authors were kept separately.
The Judging Process
After an adjudication by the committee, a shortlist of 14 stories were selected and sent on to the judge: Laura Foakes.
When the judge’s decisions were provided to the committee, they then proceeded to identify the winners and runners up.
The Shortlist Committee enjoyed the whole process of reading and comparing the stories. And it is in this light that we congratulate all of the submitting authors on providing such a high standard of stories to us. Selection was not an easy task.
Judge, Laura Foakes, said: “What a joy to read the shortlisted and very diverse stories. All had much to recommend them, and it is heart-warming, in this ever-changing, high-tech age, to see that creative writing has lost none of its passion and allure.”
Bridgend Writers’ Circle was very encouraged by the number of entries and the extent of their provenance.
A presentation evening will be held at Carnegie House on 6th July 2017